Complete collection sale
On August 3, 2021, R.G. Bernier passed away and left behind a legacy in many different realms. One of them is his taxidermy collection. His family and friends have kept specific pieces of taxidermy to remind them of him, but there is too much to keep. We have made the decision to sell his remaining collection to those who appreciate him as a hunter.
Below you will find all the remaining deer heads and taxidermy (turkey & coyote). The prices are non-negotiable. And we are not able to ship these. It will need to be arranged for you to pick them up in person in Maine.
If you would like to purchase one of the heads or taxidermy pieces, please email
Please indicate the following in your email:
The title of the taxidermy (i.e. “Buck 30”)
Your name
What date range would you anticipate picking up the deer head
We will let you know how to transfer the money to acquire the deer head or piece of taxidermy.